Episode 86: Mindstorm (2001) (/w Michael Sullivan)

HAPPY HALLOWEEN, boils and ghouls! To celebrate the SPOOKIEST time of the year, we’ve got 2001’s MINDSTORM, which is sort of THE DEAD ZONE meets SCANNERS except not good! But it DOES have Michael Ironside, Michael Moriarty, Antonio Sabato Jr. and ERIC ROBERTS! To explore this psychic mayhem we’re joined by SHOCK CINEMA MAGAZINE’s Michael Sullivan, who chats about GRITTY, Celebrity Island, Joe Rogan, vegan burgers and SO MUCH MORE! LET US LISTEN!

As always, check out ERIC ROBERTS IS THE MAN on Twitter, or come chat ER (or anything else) on our Facebook group. Don’t forget to head over to iTunes to subscribe and rate the show. If you like it.. tell a friend! Our theme song is (unofficially) officially endorsed by ERIC ROBERTS!

Our guest this week is the incredible writer (and AHL mascot!) Michael Sullivan. Find his writing on the Shock Cinema Magazine blog right here, and be sure to subscribe to the magazine at this link.

Music on this episode:

Break #1 – “Legend of a Mind” by The Moody Blues
Break #2 – “Cannonball Run (theme)” by Chuck Magione