Monthly Archives January 2017

Episode 41: Paul’s Case (1980) & Touched By An Angel S5E22 (/w Evan Munday)

Your REASON FOR LIVING returns! It's ERITFM episode #41, and we're getting spiritual! AGAIN! This time we've kidnapped writer and illustrator Evan Munday and forced him to watch a 1980 made-for-TV adaptation of Willa Cather's short story PAUL'S CASE (featuring an impossibly young Eric Roberts). Then we finished him off with an episode of TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL featuring Eric Roberts as a traumatized, racist Vietnam vet who is running a sweatshop! That is, until he's hit by a beautiful big chunk of the holy spirit. You've got nothing better to do! Let's listen together!
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Episode 40: Interview with Eyes Of the Roshi’s Ethan Marten

HAPPY NEW YEAR! It's the first ERITFM of 2017, and that means something special! Not only do you get your regular dose of Eric Roberts goodness from your good pals Doug and Liam, but this time we're joined by one of the stars of EYES OF THE ROSHI, Ethan Marten! Ethan regales us with stories of PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE, Harry Dean Stanton, Jason Robards, and - of course - Eric Roberts! He also delves into the background of how EYES OF THE ROSHI made it from script to screen. Check it out!
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